
MR.PARKIT s.r.o.

Business ID No.: 40762769, with its registered officeat Praha 2, Balbínova 410/28, Postal Code 120 00, entered into the CommercialRegister maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Entry 3111

This personal data protection policy (hereinafter the “Policy”) applies to thepersonal data processing performed by us (MR.PARKIT S.R.O.) as owner andoperator of the software and web application Park-it-direct (hereinafter the“Application”) as part of your use of the Application as the person acquiring alicense to the Application. This Policy forms an integral part of thecontractual relationship regarding use of the Application agreed between youand us; the provisions of this Policy establish enforceable legal obligationsfor both Parties.


Personal data means any information that identifiesyou or can be used to identify you, as well as information giving informationabout you (your personality, activities, property, etc.). Personal data is onlydata on natural persons (not legal entities). We consider personal dataconfidential and treat it as such at all times.

Personal data processing means any operation or set of operations with personaldata or sets of personal data performed with or without automated proceduressuch as collecting, recording, organizing, structuring, storing, adapting oramending, searching, viewing, using, transmitting, disseminating or otherwisedisclosing, aligning or combining, restricting, erasing or destroying.

Processing includes the fully or partially automated processing of yourpersonal data and non-automated only if the personal data is held or meant tobe held on record. 

We observe the following basic rules for processing personal data:

Lawfulness, fairness and transparency: We process your personal data in alawful and transparent manner. We process personal data according to Regulation(EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, general dataprocessing regulation, and other valid legal regulations.

Restriction as to purpose: We collect personal data exclusively for definite,explicitly stated and legitimate purposes and we do not process said data inany manner not compliant with those purposes.

Minimization: We process personal data only in appropriate, relevant andrestricted scope in relation to the purpose for which we process said personaldata.

Accuracy: We take care to ensure that the personal data we process is accurateand up to date. We take all reasonable measures to ensure that personal datathat is not accurate is deleted or corrected immediately, with considerationfor the purposes for which we process it.

Restrictions on storage: We save personal data in a form that allows you to beidentified for a period no longer than required for the purposes for which weprocess said personal data.

Integrity and confidentiality: We secure personal data protection: We processpersonal data in a manner that ensures it is kept suitably secure, includingtechnical and organizational measures, from unauthorized or unlawfulprocessing, accidental loss, destruction or damage. We use advanced measures toensure physical and electronic security. We bear the responsibility for thesecurity (confidentiality and integrity) of the personal data we process underthis Policy.

Localization: We keep all your personal data in the European Union and do nothand them over to countries outside the European Union.


We process your personal data provided in the licensingor other agreement on using the Application (whether made in paper orelectronic form, in a single document or in the form of an order and itsacceptance, and for consideration or without consideration), and your personaldata arising during the course of performing under the agreement (e.g. data onthe use of our services). This involves especially (but not exclusively)identification and contact information, data on the subject of the agreementand the course of the contractual relationship (invoicing, etc.), includingcommunication with you in matters regarding the subject of the agreement.Naturally we must process this personal data in order to uphold our contractualobligations and perform the rights arising from the Agreement and fulfil therelated legal obligations.

We can process your personal data even before entering into the agreement inorder to ensure the agreement is duly made. If an agreement is not made due tonot reaching an accord or for another reason, we will continue processing yourpersonal data in the scope absolutely necessary in the event of resolution ofthe precontractual issues and the responsibilities arising from that, includingperforming the associated legal obligations.

We can also process your personal data for the purpose of personalizing ourdealings and communication with you (previous cooperation, last contact, etc.).You can object to the processing of your personal data for these purposes andwe will assess the objections with consideration to your rights and our rightsand inform you of the results. For more on how to make objections and in whatform, see the section “Your rights.”

We acquire personal data primarily from you, but under certain circumstances wemay also acquire it from other sources (e.g. from the primary users of theApplication to whom your secondary license relates). We always proceed withtransparency in this regard.

We process (store) personal data for as long as it may be relevant from a legalstandpoint for entering into the contractual relationship, e.g. until allapplicable limitation, preclusive, complaint, storage and other similar periodsstipulated by legal regulations or arrangement between the parties have passed;the retention period for a particular case depends on an assessment of thecontractual relationship, but it is usually not more than 10 years aftercompleting (ending) the contractual relationship. In the event of contractualrelationships prepared but not yet finalized, the data is processed until allrelevant limitation periods related to precontractual obligations have passed.


If you use a credit card to pay for our services, thepayment is made through a secure payment gateway operated by Československáobchodní banka, a.s.; we do not have any access to personal data or other dataused to authorize the payment transaction. If you use PayPal to pay for ourservices, the payment is made through a secure web interface operated byPayPal; we do not use the additional personal data provided to us by PayPal inconnection with the payment (address) for any purposes other than identifyingthe payment.


We may use your email address to send out electroniccommercial communications (system updates, newsletters) under the conditionsstipulated in Act No. 480/2004, on certain services of an information society,as amended (provided that you have not opted out of such use). Each email withcommercial communications includes an easy, clear option for opting out ofadditional commercial communications in the form of an electronicderegistration.


The Application includes a personal online account youcan access to use the Application and manage your pre-selections, reservations,requests and the services we provide in connection with the Application.

If you delete certain data in your online account or replace it with otherdata, this is equivalent to revoking your consent to processing the deleted orreplaced personal data, provided that the data was processed exclusively on thebasis of your consent. If the data is processed on a different legal basis, wecontinue processing the deleted or replaced personal data under the conditionsthat apply for the relevant legal basis for processing; deletion or replacementof the data is considered an update to the data.


If you are a secondary user of the Application, we mayshare your identifying and contact information and data on your use of theApplication with the primary Application user to whom your license relates(typically, if you are a driver, we share your personal data with the garageoperator). If you are a primary user of the Application (typically a garageoperator), we may share your identifying and contact information and data onyour garage’s operating rules with the secondary users (drivers) using theApplication on the basis of your license. For the purposes of this provision,secondary Application users with the right to grant authorization to usecertain parking spots to third parties (master drivers) are also consideredprimary Application users.

Connecting (assigning) primary and secondary users is predefined by usersthemselves (especially when a primary user invites certain secondary users touse the Application and they accept); in other words, we are not the ones whodecide on the connection. Personal data is shared only in the scope absolutelynecessary to fulfil the purpose of the licenses.

If a primary user enters any personal data of secondary users into theApplication before the secondary users have acquired their own license to usethe Application, that primary user is responsible for ensuring that thesecondary users consent to the processing of their personal data for thatpurpose, or that other legal grounds exist for processing their personal data(the primary user must provide documentation of the legal grounds at ourrequest at any time).

The document “Personal data protection between garage operator and users” isavailable on your user profile.


With the exceptions described in the points below, wedo not disclose personal data to any third parties, directly or indirectly (bygranting access).

We can disclose personal data to entities that process personal data for us orprovide us with services that require the disclosure of personal data. Theseare primarily entities providing us with information technology services (e.g.server hosting or web hosting), database services, accounting services, taxadvice or legal services. Our cooperation with these entities is always of astrictly operational character. Recipients do not process the personal dataindependently, but only according to our instructions. We are responsible forensuring that recipients do not misuse the personal data disclosed to them andthat they are bound by obligations of integrity and confidentiality of personaldata and other obligations that must be made according to valid legalregulations.

Your personal data can also be disclosed to third parties if required to fulfilour legal obligations (primarily with regard to public authorities) or if thenature of the matter so requires, especially to complete the contractualrelationship to which you are party.


We use cookies on the Application website, Cookies are text files with data on accessing thewebsite through your web browser on your computer, and when you visit thewebsite again, the data saved on your computer is re-sent to our web server.Cookies help personalize website settings and improve user experience byremembering user preferences.

We can also use cookies to target advertising and track website visitornumbers. We also use third-party cookies for the purposes described above, suchas Google Analytics (for details please see here:

We can also use web beacons on our website or emails we send. Web beacons aresmall graphic images (data files, pixel tags) downloaded from our web server inorder to monitor how many emails have been read or website visits and userbehavior on the website and to optimize electronic services for users(including personalized advertising).

The circumstances we describe above (personalized settings, tracking websitetraffic, targeted advertising, tracking interest in our communications)represent our legitimate interests in connection with improving the services weprovide. In our opinion, these activities are beneficial to you as well.However, if you do not want us to use cookies and web beacons, you can opt out.You can deactivate cookies from saving on your computer and sending requests todownload web beacons by adjusting your browser settings (you can also adjustthe settings only for third-party cookies). You can cancel the effects ofcookies already saved by deleting cookies on your browser.

We do not use the personal data gained through cookies and web beacons toidentify you. The same applies to the third parties whose cookies we use.


You have the right to receive a confirmation from usabout whether we are processing your personal data or not. If we are, you havethe right to access the personal data we process and to be informed about thedetails of the processing and sources of the personal data. If you providedyour personal data to us on the basis of your consent or in connection withperforming contractual obligations and the personal data is processed byautomated processing, you have the right to receive that personal data in astructured, commonly used and machine-readable format.

You have the right to instruct us to correct inaccuracies in your personal dataor fill in missing personal data without undue delay. You also have the rightto request that we delete your personal data if we do not have sufficient legalgrounds to process it (e.g. you objected to personal data processing for thepurposes of direct marketing). If you so request, instead of deleting yourpersonal data we can restrict its processing, i.e. your personal data will bestored but not otherwise processed without your consent.

You have the right to make an objection at any time to the processing of yourpersonal data for the purposes of direct marketing, in which case your personaldata will no longer be processed for that purpose. If you make an objection tothe processing of your personal data in other cases, where we process yourpersonal data on the basis of our legitimate interests, we will first assess(based on your particular situation) whether we have serious legitimate groundsfor continuing the processing that outweigh your interests or rights andfreedoms, and we will inform you of whether we will grant your objection or ifwe cannot do so and for what reasons.

You are entitled to exercise your rights in any form that clearly conveys thecontent of your request, notification or objection, especially in electronicform at If you ask us to take certain measures, wewill inform you of the measures we take without undue delay, no more than onemonth after receiving your request; this period can be extended by up to twomonths if necessary, and we will inform you of said extension in a timely manner.

If you feel that the way we process your personal data infringes on yourrights, you can file a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Office( You also have the right to file a civil suit in court and seekjudicial protection.
Issued on April 16, 2019